SCHLOSS ELMAU Events Calendar

The Schloss Elmau Experience Since more than 100 years concerts & talks with great artists & authors on the pulse of time. Tickets for hotel guests are included in the resort fee.

General information

Dear concert guests,
For hotel guests of Schloss Elmau, admission to all cultural events is included in the resort fee. You can register for the events online via “Book seats” here in the cultural calendar, by phone on +49 8823 18 260 or by text message to +49 1733 1122 77.
Permanent Residents of the region within a radius of 80 km (driving distance) are welcome to purchase tickets, subject to availability (hotels, guesthouses or vacation rentals do not count as a permanent address). Tickets can be purchased online via "Book seats" here in the cultural calendar.
Your culture office team

  • 13 - 15

    Feb 25


    im Summit Pavillon Retreat
    Do 13, Fr 14 & Sa, 15 Februar

    Feiern Sie den Valentinstag mit einem exquisiten Abendessen in romantischer Atmosphäre. Genießen Sie ein liebevoll zusammengestelltes Menü, das Ihre Sinne verzaubert und unvergessliche Momente schafft.

    5-Gang-Menü inkl. Champagner & Wasser
    18.00 – 20.00 Uhr

    Tischreservierung für Hotelgäste unter:

    Tischreservierung für Bewohner der Region
    HIER buchbar

  • Saturday

    15 Feb


    Photo: 1402_Kern Andreas_PR
    Interactive concert

    Der perfekte Lovesong
    Ein interaktives Konzert zum Valentins-Wochenende
    Why you must attend this concert:
    What is the perfect love song? Pianist Andreas Kern presents various love songs from all genres and lets the audience participate with advice and action.

    in German


    What is the perfect love song? Pianist Andreas Kern embarks on a search for the perfect love song together with the audience. He presents various love songs from all genres, from Chopin and Strauss to Leonhard Cohen and Adele, and actively involves the audience with help and advice (always voluntarily, of course)

  • Sunday

    16 Feb


    Photo: PR
    Panel discussion

    Panel discussion
    with the Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs Radoslaw Sikorski et al.
    “Transatlantic Relations in the Age of Geopolitical Disruptions and Information Warfare”

    Radoslaw Sikorski, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Poland
    Swantje Kortemeyer, Head of Strategic Communication, Federal Foreign Office of Germany
    Nina Jankowicz, Former Head of the Disinformation Governance Board of the United States Government
    Charlie Edwards, Senior Adviser for Strategy and National Security, The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS)
    Thomas Kleine-Brockhoff, Executive Director of the German Council on Foreign Relations

    In cooperation with the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP)

    In English

    Hybrid attacks and in particular large scale disinformation campaigns, initiated by the government of Russia and other autocratic regimes, have become a serious threat to Western democracies. How should Western governments react to these attacks and to what extent is a coordinated effort possible within NATO in this new and dangerous field of conflict?

  • Wednesday

    19 Feb


    Photo: Mathis Beutel, Penguin

    Jo Lendle
    Die Himmelsrichtungen
    Warum Sie diese Veranstaltung besuchen sollten:
    Der Hanser-Verleger stellt seinen neuen Roman vor.

    Discussion in German

    Der Hanser-Verleger stellt seinen neuen Roman über die Flugpionierin Amelia Earhart vor. Es ist der 2. Juli 1937, in ihrer Lockheed Electra fliegt Amelia Earhart hoch über dem Ozean. Die Schatten der Wolken sehen aus wie Inseln. Sie steht kurz davor, als erster Mensch die Welt zu umrunden. Dies ist die schwerste Etappe. „Die Himmelsrichtungen“ ist eine Liebesgeschichte mit wechselnden Beteiligten – manche erstaunlich, andere flüchtig wie Wolken. Und es ist ein Roman über die Erinnerung und wie sie sich allmählich entblättert. Jede Schicht zeigt die Vergangenheit in einem neuen Licht. Wie soll man diese Geschichte anders erzählen als rückwärts? Amelia weiß noch nicht, dass es der letzte Tag ihres Lebens ist.

  • 20 - 23

    Feb 25

    Photo: Thomas Straub
    Dance Retreat

    Dance Retreat

    Dancing makes you happy and keeps you young! Dancing has a long tradition at Schloss Elmau. At this dance retreat, you can learn Salsa Cubana and improve your existing skills over two days in 90-minute group courses under the guidance of expert dance instructors.
    Coach: Fismo Kuba

    Arrival: Thu, 20 February | Departure: Sun, 23 February
    Daily dance classes (Thu & Fri)
    Dance night (Sa) with live DJ

    Hotel guests are also welcome to register for individual course days of the dance retreat


    Arrival Thu, 20 February)
    Book package here!

    What to expect
    Daily latin dance classes (Do: 20.30 – 22.00 & Fr: 10.30 – 12.00 and 16.00 – 17.30). The courses are dedicated to Salsa Cubana and related cuban dances
    Dance night (from 21.30): Saturday (no registration required)

    Further information:
    The course level will be adapted to its participants, beginners welcome
    Please indicate for the course planning whether you are coming as a couple or traveling alone. Single travellers will be assigned (possibly same-sex) dance partners in advance. If the number of participants is uneven, we will contact you in good time.
    Private dance lessons can be booked through the cultural office.
    A hotel booking is required to take part in the dance courses.

  • 20 - 23

    Feb 25

    Photo: Sebastian Hänel

    Cuban Weekend
    with Sarah Willis & Sarahbanda

    French horn and salsa band, this combination had never been seen before – until Sarah Willis, horn player with the Berlin Philharmonic, combined them in her highly successful project “Mozart y Mambo” project. Her “Sarahbanda” brings together some of the most talented musicians from Cuba in a somewhat different Cuban salsa band – with a French horn at the centre. The arrangements of the well-known Cuban music are full of infectious rhythms, lightness and energy that make the listener listen with pleasure and even encourage them to dance.


    Thu, 20 February 8:30 pm dance class latin dances
    Fri, 21 February 10:30 am & 4:00 pm dance class latin dances | 8:30 pm concert
    Sat, 22 February 5:00 pm concert | 9:30 pm dance night with live DJ
    Sun, 23 February day of departure


    arrival Thu, 20 February
    incl. concert tickets, dance classes, breakfast, spa, yoga and more
    Book your room here!

    >arrival Thu, 20 February
    incl. concert tickets, dance classes, breakfast, spa, yoga and more
    Book your room here!

  • Friday

    21 Feb


    Photo: Monika Rittershaus

    Sarah Willis french horn
    & Sarahbanda

    Sarah Willis, french horn
    Yuniet Lombida, saxophon
    Jorge Aragón, piano
    Harold Madrigal, trumpet
    Amelia Febles, violin
    Carlos Garcia, double bass
    Alejandro Aguiar & Adel González, percussion

  • Saturday

    22 Feb


    Photo: Monika Rittershaus

    Sarah Willis french horn
    & Sarahbanda

    Sarah Willis, french horn
    Yuniet Lombida, saxophon
    Jorge Aragón, piano
    Harold Madrigal, trumpet
    Amelia Febles, violin
    Carlos Garcia, double bass
    Alejandro Aguiar & Adel González, percussion

  • Saturday

    22 Feb


    Photo: Schloss Elmau_Georg Stirnweiß

    “Dancing in the Bar”
    Dance with live DJWhy you must attend this dance party:
    Great music with well-known hits for a memorable dance party

    Dance Party as part of the Dance Retreat with a focus on latin dance.

    from 12 years | for hotel guests no registration necessary

  • Wednesday

    26 Feb


    Photo: Louie Thain, Simon Pauly, Felix Broede

    Veronika Eberle violin
    Julia Hagen cello
    Herbert Schuch piano

    Schubert: Piano rio No 1 B flat major
    Brahms: Piano trio No 1 B major

  • Thursday

    27 Feb


    Photo: Jiyang Chen, John Kentish
    Lied/Aria Recital/Classical

    Thomas Hampson baritone
    Ksenija Sidorova accordion

    Schubert: Winterreise
    Lieder by Kurt Weill and works for Accordion solo by Piazzolla

  • Saturday

    1 Mar


    Photo: David Königsmann
    Hip-Hop/Modern Classical

    Samy Deluxe vocals
    & “MIKIs Takeover!”-Ensemble

    Due to high demand, hotel guests can only be guaranteed a concert visit with prior reservation.


  • Monday

    3 Mar


    Photo: Georg Stirnweiß

    Rose Monday Party
    Dancing with live music

    from 12 years | for hotel guests no registration necessary

  • Tuesday

    4 Mar


    Photo: Marco Grob

    Jan Vogler cello
    Why you must attend this concert:
    The cello suites “are the quintessence of Bach's oeuvre and Bach himself is the quintessence of all music“ (Pablo Casals)

    Bach: Cello Suites 1 – 3 (Part I)

    Bach's highly virtuosic suites for solo cello are among the most important and most popular works in the cello literature. The musical and technical expressive possibilities of the instrument are explored in a total of six suites. Before his concerts in the Berlin Philharmonie and the Elbphilharmonie, Jan Vogler, one of the most important cellists, will perform this monumental compendium on two evenings.

  • 6 - 9

    Mar 25

    Photo: Gregor Hohenberg

    Thomas Quasthoff Weekend
    will be postponed to a new date in the coming season for scheduling reasons

  • Thursday

    6 Mar


    Photo: Marco Grob

    Jan Vogler cello
    Why you must attend this concert:
    On two evenings, the world-famous cellist explores the cosmos of Bach's cello suites, which demand the highest level of virtuosity and musical knowledge from the performer.

    Bach: Cello Suites 4 – 6 (Part II)

    Bach's highly virtuosic suites for solo cello are among the most important and most popular works in the cello literature. The musical and technical expressive possibilities of the instrument are explored in a total of six suites. Before his concerts in the Berlin Philharmonie and the Elbphilharmonie, Jan Vogler, one of the most important cellists, will perform this monumental compendium on two evenings.

  • Saturday

    8 Mar


    Photo: Dovile Sermokas

    Lucia Cadotsch Quartett
    Why you must attend this concert:
    Elmau debut for one of the most exciting artists in jazz – honoured with the German Jazz Award ( 2021) and Swiss Music Prize ( 2023)

    German Jazz Award 2021 & Swiss Music Prize 2023

    Luisa Cadotsch, vocals
    Kit Downes, piano
    Phil Donkin, bass
    James Maddren, drums

    Outstanding voice of the European jazz scene. The multi-award-winning singer and producer Lucia Cadotsch proves that the story of jazz is far from over. Since the huge international public and media success of her album SPEAK LOW in 2016, the Berlin-based Swiss singer and winner of the German Jazz Award and Swiss Music Prize has become a force to be reckoned with. And she regularly explores the boundaries of jazz in ever new and surprising ways - including with her latest band AKI.

  • Wednesday

    12 Mar


    Photo: 1203 Von Treuenfels, Drexler_Joel Heyd, Lenja Kempf

    Botho Strauß
    Theater lesen
    mit Anna Drexler & Moritz von Treuenfels
    Anschließend: Simon Strauß im Gespräch mit Rachel Salamander

    Warum Sie diese Veranstaltung besuchen sollten:
    Der große Erfolg der Salzburger Festspiele 2024

    in German

    Nie hat der Prophet den Stämmen Israels einen König verheißen. Nie hat er ihnen eine irdische Autorität in Aussicht gestellt. Und doch sehnt sich das Volk nach einem Herrscher aus Fleisch und Blut, nach einer Instanz zum Anfassen. Gott zürnt über diesen Sündenfall und trifft eine „falsche Wahl“. Er ernennt Saul zum König der Israeliten. Einen „schiefen, seelenkranken Mann“. Einen Herrscher, der nicht herrschen kann. Einen Menschen, dem seine Gedanken in Flammen auf­ gehen. Einen Ersten, der gar nicht anfangen will. Saul, das jüngste Drama von Botho Strauß ist ein Stimmenspiel über eine Zeit, die sich umkehrt. Die mit alten Geboten bricht und darüber die Kraft verliert, zu verzeihen. Es ist eine Zeit, die uns wieder näherkommt.

  • Thursday

    13 Mar


    Photo: Sigrid Rothe, Stephan Rumpf
    Reading & Discussion

    Thomas Hüetlin
    „Man lebt sein Leben nur einmal“
    Marlene Dietrich und Erich Maria Remarque – die Geschichte einer grenzenlosen Leidenschaft
    Lesung und Gespräch mit Rachel Salamander

    Warum Sie diese Veranstaltung besuchen sollten:
    „...die mitreißende Geschichte zweier Stars am verdunkelten Himmel der Weltgeschichte“ (Süddeutsche Zeitung)

    in German

    Auf der Basis von Tagebüchern, Briefwechseln und Erinnerungen vieler Begleiter und Zeitgenossen erzählt Thomas Hüetlin im Stil einer fesselnden Reportage die Geschichte einer Jahrhundertliebe zweier Lichtgestalten der deutschen Kultur im Angesicht des heraufziehenden Schreckens.

  • Friday

    14 Mar


    Photo: Milla Stölken
    Reading & Concert

    „München, lesen und musikalisch erklingen lassen“
    Ein literarisch-musikalischer Spaziergang durch München
    Michael Schleicher, Lesung & Textauswahl
    Ensemble Luise, Kammermusikensemble

    Warum Sie diese Veranstaltung besuchen sollten:
    Michael Schleicher liest, das Kammermusikensemble „Luise“ spielt.

    in German

    Wie klingt Literatur? Welche Töne haben Texte? Was hörten München und seine Büchermenschen zu ihrer Zeit? „München, lesen und erklingen lassen“ ist eine Begegnung mit Kreativen vom „Isar-Athen“ über „Wahnmoching“ bis ins heutige München.

  • Saturday

    15 Mar


    Photo: Stephan Röhl, Hans Scherhaufer

    Kai Sina
    „Was gut ist und was böse. Thomas Mann als politischer Aktivist.“
    Kai Sina im Gespräch mit
    Durs Grünbein
    Warum Sie diese Veranstaltung besuchen sollten:
    Thomas Manns Kampf um die Demokratie

    in German

  • Saturday

    15 Mar


    Photo: Lengemann, Manfred Baumann

    Albert Ostermaier
    „Stahltier“ – Ein Exorzismus in memoriam Willy Zielke
    Leni Riefenstahl und die Mechanismen der Macht
    Theaterlesung mit
    Veronica Ferres & Albert Ostermaier
    Warum Sie diese Veranstaltung besuchen sollten:
    „Es ist ein Tanz, ein mäanderndes Gespräch, über Kunst und Politik als Verführung.“ (Süddeutsche Zeitung)

    in German

    Willy Zielke ist in den 1920er Jahren ein junger, aufstrebender Regisseur und Pionierfotograf. Nach seinem ersten Film “Stahltier” wird er von Leni Riefenstahl und dem Nazi-Regime für ihre Olympia-Filme rekrutiert und benutzt. Als er ihr zu gefährlich für ihre Karriere wird, lässt sie ihn wegsperren in die Psychiatrie, wo er als schizophren diagnostiziert und zwangssterilisiert wird. Fünf Jahre später holt sie ihn zurück aus der Anstalt, denn sie braucht ihn für ihren Film “Tiefland”. Später wird sie aussagen, nicht an der Einweisung Zielkes beteiligt gewesen zu sein, und mehr noch: nichts von der späteren Ermordung der Menschen gewusst zu haben, die sie als Komparsen für ihren Film aus den Lagern geholt hat. Sie ist die Frau, die sich ihn einverleibt hat, die sich seine Kunst zu eigen gemacht hat. In einem Exorzismus-Ritual beschwört Zielke noch einmal die Bilder herauf, die zeigen, wie Riefenstahl zusammen mit Goebbels ihren perfiden Plan geschmiedet hat. Im Filmvorführraum im Reich

  • 21 - 23

    Mar 25

    Photo: iStock
    Dance Evening

    Waltz Weekend

    For decades, the pianist Otto Ludwig characterised dancing to piano music in Elmau. Now we are reviving this famous Elmau tradition – the renowned pianist Julien Quentin will be playing waltzes on two evenings from Chopin to Tchaikovsky in the Great Hall. All levels of dancers are welcome, it's all about the joy of waltzing. In addition to the dance floor, there are also seating areas where you can take a break and simply enjoy the music and atmosphere.


    Anreise Fr, 21. März
    Book your room here!

  • Friday

    21 Mar


    Photo: iStock, Julien Mignot
    Dance Evening

    Waltz Evening
    Julien Quentin, piano
    Why you must attend this event:
    Two special Dance Evenings on the legendary Elmau dance floor – accompanied by renowned pianist Julien Quentin

    Waltzes by Chopin, Tschaikowsky, Strauss, Lehár, Offenbach et al.

    Duration: 20.30 - 22.00 incl. break

  • Saturday

    22 Mar


    Photo: Marco Borggreve, Igor Studio

    Jean-Guihien Queyras cello
    Javier Perianes piano
    Why you must attend this concert:
    Queyras plays with “fiery elegance and (...) virtuosity that is only available to the greats” (Harald Eggebrecht, SZ)

    Schumann: Fantasiestücke Op 73
    Schubert: Sonata A minor “Arpeggione“
    De Falla: 7 canciones populares españolas
    Piazzolla: Grand Tango

  • Saturday

    22 Mar


    Photo: iStock, Julien Mignot
    Dance Evening

    Waltz Evening
    Julien Quentin, piano
    Why you must attend this event:
    Two special Dance Evenings on the legendary Elmau dance floor – accompanied by renowned pianist Julien Quentin

    Waltzes by Chopin, Tschaikowsky, Strauss, Lehár, Offenbach et al.

    Duration: 20.30 - 22.00 incl. break

  • Saturday

    29 Mar


    Photo: Harald Hoffmann, Marco Giannavola
    Classical/Modern Classical

    Avi Avital mandoline
    Brooklyn Rider string quartet
    Why you must attend this concert:
    Star mandolinist Avi Avital and Brooklyn Rider as guests in Elmau, the string quartet that has “recreated the string quartet genre as a vibrant 21st century ensemble” (National Public Radio)

    Colin Jacobsen: A Short While to be here
    Giovanni Sollima: Four Quartets
    Clarice Assad: Obrigado

    Grammy-nominated mandolinist Avi Avital is known for his “explosively charismatic” performances (New York Times). He is the driving force behind the revival of the mandolin: He has been playing in the world's most prestigious concert halls for more than two decades. Now he joins the American string quartet Brooklyn Rider, known for eclectic repertoire and stirring performances – acclaimed by critics and audiences from all genres. National Public Radio (NPR) credits Brooklyn Rider with “recreating the 300-year-old genre of the string quartet as a vibrant, creative ensemble for the 21st century”.

  • 4 - 6

    Apr 25

    Photo: Simon Fowler
    A weekend with Renaud Capuçon

    A weekend with Renaud Capuçon
    Renaud Capuçon plays Richard Strauss

    Renaud Capuçon is one of the world's leading violinists of our time, artistic director of a chamber orchestra and director of his own festivals. In France itself, he has the status of a superstar in the country's public life and is regarded outside France as an ambassador for his country's classical music. Renaud Capucon has now curated a weekend with two concerts for Schloss Elmau: For the chamber music evening on Friday, a first-class ensemble of esteemed young musicians will come together around him. On Saturday, he will perform a recital with the multi-award-winning pianist Guillaume Bellom. In both concerts, he pays homage to the composer Richard Strauss, who lived in nearby Garmisch-Patenkirchen, with one work each.

    2 nights (arrival Fri, 4 April)
    incl. concert tickets, breakfast, spa, yoga and more
    Book your room here!

  • Friday

    4 Apr


    Photo: Fowler_Warner, Pauly, PR, Millot
    A weekend with Renaud Capuçon

    Renaud Capuçon violin
    Paul Zientara viola
    Julia Hagen cello
    Guillaume Bellom piano

    Mahler: Piano quartet A minor
    Strauss: Piano quartet C minor Op 13

  • Saturday

    5 Apr


    Photo: Universal Music, Manolo Mylonas
    A weekend with Renaud Capuçon

    Renaud Capuçon Violine
    Guillaume Bellom Klavier

    Mozart: Violin sonata E flat major K.481
    Strauss: Violin sonata E flat major Op 18

  • Tuesday

    8 Apr


    Photo: Andrej Grilc

    Maria Ioudenitch violin
    Stanislav Ioudenitch piano

    Beethoven: Violin sonata No 10 G major Op 96
    Lili Boulanger: 2 pieces
    Bartok: Violin sonata No 1

  • 12 - 18

    Apr 25

    Photo: Egbert Krupp_Schloss Elmau
    Nils Landgren Festival

    Nils Landgren Festival

    He is one of the most successful European jazz musicians ever and one of the world's best trombonists. Now, for the second time, Nils Landgren is organising his own festival at Schloss Elmau. For this, “Mr Redhorn”, as he is known because of his red instrument, has invited friends and musical partners for six concerts ranging from melancholy, tender ballads to distinctive, groovy sounds.

    with Elin Rombo & Jessica Pilnäs (vocals), Anders Kjellberg Nilsson (violin) and Mats Bergström & Johan Norberg (guitar)

    Saturday, 12 April 5 pm opening concert
    Sun, 13 – Thus, 17 April 5 pm concert each day
    Fri, 18 April day of departure


    when booking 6 nights and more, arrival Sat, 12 April 2025
    incl. concert tickets, breakfast, spa, yoga and more
    Book your room here!

  • Saturday

    12 Apr


    Photo: Grosse-Geldermann, Thron Ullberg, PR
    Nils Landgren-Festival

    Opening Concert
    Nils Landgren trombone & voice
    Jessica Pilnäs & Selma Pinton voice
    & Friends

    Nils Landgren, trombone & voice
    Jessica Pilnäs & Selma Pinton, voice
    Johan Norberg, guitar
    Max Agnas, piano
    Clas Lassbo, double bass

  • Sunday

    13 Apr


    Photo: Peter Knutson, Thron Ullberg, Per-Erik Adamsson
    Nils Landgren-Festival

    Nils Landgren trombone & voice
    Elin Rombo voice
    Mats Bergström guitar
    & Friends

    Nils Landgren, trombone & voice
    Elin Rombo, voice
    Anders Kjellberg Nilsson, violin
    Mats Bergström, guitar
    Clas Lassbo, double bass

  • Monday

    14 Apr


    Photo: PR, Thron Ullberg
    Nils Landgren-Festival

    Nils Landgren trombone & voice
    Ebba Åsman trombone
    & Friends

    Nils Landgren, trombone & voice
    Ebba Åsman, trombone
    Jessica Pilnäs & Selma Pinton, voice
    Max Agnas, piano
    Clas Lassbo, double bass

  • Tuesday

    15 Apr


    Photo: Peter Knutson, Nikola Stankovic, Kaupo Kikkas
    Nils Landgren-Festival

    Nils Landgren trombone & voice
    Elin Rombo voice
    Hugo Ticciati violin
    & Friends

    Nils Landgren, trombone & voice
    Elin Rombo, voice
    Hugo Ticciati & Anders Kjellberg Nilsson, violin
    Mats Bergström & Johan Norberg, guitar
    Clas Lassbo, double bass

  • Wednesday

    16 Apr


    Photo: Thron Ullberg, Schloss Elmau
    Nils Landgren-Festival

    Nils Landgren trombone & voice
    Alpine horns
    & Friends

    Nils Landgren, trombone & voice
    Ebba Åsman, trombone
    Jessica Pilnäs, voice
    Hugo Ticciati, violin
    Mats Bergström, guitar
    Clas Lassbo, double bass
    Alpine horns

  • Thursday

    17 Apr


    Photo: Thron Ullberg
    Nils Landgren-Festival

    Closing Concert
    Nils Landgren trombone & voice
    Johan Norberg guitar
    „Chapter Two“

  • Saturday

    19 Apr


    Photo: Simon Fowler_Maximilian König

    Lucienne Renaudi Vary trumpet
    Tim Allhoff piano
    “Jazz meets Klassik”
    Why you must attend this concert:
    Elmau debut for young star Lucienne Renaudin Vary on the trumpet

    Works by Bach, de Falla, Kreisler, Gershwin et al.

    The trumpet of 25-year-old French musician Lucienne Renaudin Vary sounds young and fresh. She won the Opus Klassik award for best young musician in 2021 and is one of the rising stars of the classical music scene. At her debut at Schloss Elmau, she will present her new programme “Jazz meets classical music”, in which she and pianist and arranger Tim Allhoff, himself an Echo award winner, will also shed light on their second musical home – jazz.

  • Sunday

    20 Apr


    Photo: Inge Prade, PR, PR

    Daniel Hope Violine
    Jacques Ammon Klavier
    Joscho Stephan Gitarre
    Warum Sie dieses Konzert besuchen sollten:
    Ein dynamisches Trio um Stargeiger Daniel Hope stimmt mit mitreißenden amerikanischen Klassikern auf die Festival-Woche ein

    Werke von Fritz Kreisler, George Gershwin, Cole Porter et al.

  • 21 - 27

    Apr 25

    Photo: Nicolas Zonvi
    4. Daniel Hope-Woche

    4. Daniel Hope-Woche

    After Easter, star violinist Daniel Hope will be performing his fourth Music Week at Schloss Elmau. The internationally acclaimed musician, presenter and programme maker has invited numerous friends to Schloss Elmau. The programme includes chamber music concerts and jazz in the bar.
    with Daniel Hope & Friends

    Mon, 21 April opening concert
    Tue, Thu, Fri & Sat further concerts (Wednesday no concert)
    Fri, 25 April 9:30 pm late night jazz in the Al Camino Bar
    Sun, 27 April day of departure


    when booking 6 nights and more, arrival Mon, 21. April 2025
    incl. concert tickets, breakfast, spa, yoga and more
    Book your room here!

  • Monday

    21 Apr


    Photo: Tibor Bozi, PR
    4. Daniel Hope-Woche

    Eröffnungskonzert der Daniel Hope-Woche
    Daniel Hope Violine
    Jacques Ammon Klavier

  • Tuesday

    22 Apr


    Photo: Inge Prader, Camila Berrio, Pollert
    4. Daniel Hope-Woche

    Daniel Hope Violine
    & Friends

    Daniel Hope, Violine
    Joscho Stephan, Gitarre
    Omar Massa, Bandoneon
    Stéphane Logerot, Kontrabass
    Jacques Ammon, Klavier

  • Thursday

    24 Apr


    Photo: Michael Petersohn, Tibor Bozi
    4. Daniel Hope-Woche

    Daniel Hope Violine
    & Friends

    Horst Maria Merz, Gesang & Klavier
    Daniel Hope, Tanja Sonc & Sylvia Savova, Violine
    Jacques Ammon, Klavier
    Ewa Groblewska, Viola
    Anna Tyka Nyffenegger, Violoncello
    Stéphane Logerot, Kontrabass

  • Friday

    25 Apr


    Photo: Bailey Davidson
    4. Daniel Hope-Woche

    Daniel Hope Violine
    & Friends

    Daniel Hope, Tanja Sonc & Sylvia Savova, Violine
    Ryszard Groblewski, Viola
    Benjamin Nyffenegger, Violoncello
    Stéphane Logerot, Kontrabass
    Oliver Schnyder, Klavier

    Dvorák: Streichquintett et al.

  • Friday

    25 Apr


    Photo: Daniel Waldhecker
    4. Daniel Hope-Woche

    Late Night Jazz mit Daniel Hope & Friends
    Warum Sie diese Veranstaltung besuchen sollten:
    Ein swingender Jazz- und Chanson-Abend in intimer Bar-Atmosphäre

    Daniel Hope, Violine
    Stéphane Logerot, Kontrabass
    Jacques Ammon, Klavier
    Joscho Stephan, Gitarre

    Jazz & Chanson

    Einlass: 21.00 | First come, first serve (keine Anmeldung erforderlich)

    Kein Ticketkontingent für Bewohner der Region

  • Saturday

    26 Apr


    Photo: Harald Hoffmann
    4. Daniel Hope-Woche

    Abschlusskonzert Daniel Hope Violine
    & Friends

    Daniel Hope, Tanja Sonc & Sylvia Savova, Violine
    Ewa Groblewska & Ryszard Groblewski, Viola
    Anna Tyka Nyffenegger & Benjamin Nyffenegger, Violoncello
    Oliver Schnyder, Klavier
    et al.

    Brahms: Streichsextett
    Schumann: Klavierquintett

  • Saturday

    3 May


    Photo: Rizzoli Verlag, PR
    Photo presentation & lecture

    Book and photo presentation by photographer & polar explorer Sebastian Copeland
    “The Arctic – A Darker Shade of White”
    Why you must attend this event:
    “Sebastian, hearing from people like you inspires us as we continue working towards a brighter future.” – Ex-President Barack Obama

    Winner of the ‘“Photographer of the Year 2024” of the International Photography Awards

    in English

    Sebastian Copeland is a polar explorer, climate advocate, photographer and author. In 2017, Sebastian was named one of the world’s “25 Most Adventurous Men of the last 25 years” by “Men’s Journal”. His work has been featured in National Geographic, Vanity Fair, Outside, American Photo, The New York Times, People Magazine, USA Today, Paris Match as well on NBC, CBS, NPR and CNN’s Larry King Live, and hundreds of international media.

  • Thursday

    22 May


    Photo: Michael Reinicke, Rüdiger Schestag

    Philipp Schupelius cello
    Julius Asal piano
    Why you must attend this concert::
    Two of Germany's most exciting young musicians share the stage at Schloss Elmau for the first time

    Winner of the German Music Competition 2023 (Schupelius) & BBC New Generation Artist 2024 (Asal)

    Rachmaninow: Cello sonata
    et al.

    Philipp Schupelius and Julius Asal are undoubtedly at the start of great careers: Schupelius won the German Music Competition in 2023 and is regarded by Classic FM as one of the world's most interesting young musicians. Julius Asal recently signed an exclusive contract with Deutsche Grammophon and was the only pianist to be selected for the BBC's “New Generation Artist“ 2024 programme.

  • Saturday

    24 May


    Photo: PR

    David Orlowsky Trio
    Why you must attend this concert:
    “With David Orlowsky, the clarinet seems to transform into a human being!” (Hamburger Abendblatt)

    David Orlowsky, clarinet
    Daniel Stelter, guitar
    Tommy Baldu, percussion


    It only takes a few notes to reveal the unmistakable sound of his clarinet. In his 25-year career, David Orlowsky has performed on the world's major stages and has been honoured with four ECHO / OPUS Klassik awards. Now he can be experienced in Elmau with his new trio and his new programme “Petrichor”. The term describes the smell of rain falling on dry ground. And so not only this piece, but the entire programme of the synaesthete David Orlowsky is an exciting journey full of musical impressions and scents that are sometimes mysterious, then again rhythmically pulsating, wildly rebellious or captivating with melodic magic.

  • Saturday

    31 May


    Photo: Klaus Ranger, Nikolaus Zwerenz
    Music & Politics

    “The New World Order”
    Ivan Krastev political analyst
    Vikram Rajan piano
    Why you must attend this event:
    The leading intellectual and political analyst about the consequences of currents crises for democracy in Europe

    Scriabin: Poème No 1 F sharp Minor Op 32
    Chopin: Piano sonata No 3 B flat minor Op 58

    in English

    When the changes in the world become too fast and confusing, art opens up alternative ways of understanding the unspeakable. In this unique evening programme, leading European thinker Ivan Krastev analyses the new world order that has been in place since 20 January 2025. The important works of piano literature played by Vikram Rajan were written in a time not so dissimilar to today.

  • 6 - 15

    Jun 25

    Photo: Odessa Classics Festival

    „Odessa Classics - International Music Festival“
    as a guest at Schloss Elmau
    curated by pianist & festival director Alexey Botvinov

    The city of Odessa on the Black Sea hosted the international music festival ‘Odessa Classics’ from 2015 to 2021. Since the war, the festival has been taking place at various locations in Europe under the direction of the most renowned Ukrainian pianist Alexey Botvinov - now also with a guest performance at Schloss Elmau. A number of important musicians and intellectuals have been invited, including Grigory Sokolov, Mischa Maisky, the young Ukrainian pianist Dinara Klinton, the writer Mikhail Shishkin, as well as Kiev's mayor Vitali Klitschko (requested) in conversation with Paul Ronzheimer.


    arrival Fr, 6th June
    incl. concert ticket, breakfast, spa, yoga and more
    Book your room here!

  • Saturday

    7 Jun


    Photo: Egbert Krupp_Schloss Elmau

    Opening concert
    Grigory Sokolov piano
    Why you must attend this concert:
    "Among all the pianists who have existed and still exist, Grigory Sokolov is in a category of his own." (Jan Brachmann, FAZ)

    Byrd: John come kiss me now FVB 10 | Pavane & Galliarde FVB 167 | Fantasia FVB 8 | Alman FVB 163 | The Earl of Salisbury – Pavane & Galliarde No 1 & 2 T 503 | Callino casturame FVB 158
    Brahms: 4 Ballades Op10 | 2 Rhapsodies Op 79

    Concert with interval.
    Concert-experienced children aged 10 and above, who can sit still during the concert, are welcome to attend.

    Due to high demand, hotel guests can only be guaranteed a concert visit with prior reservation.


    arrival Fr, 6th June
    incl. concert ticket, breakfast, spa, yoga and more
    Book your room here!

    The unique character of music played live is a crucial aspect of understanding the expressive beauty and compelling honesty of Grigory Sokolov's art. His poetic interpretations, which come alive with mystical intensity in the concert hall, are based on an in-depth knowledge of the repertoire. His programmes span the entire history of music: from transcriptions of sacred polyphony of the Middle Ages and works by Couperin, Rameau and Bach, to the Classical and Romantic repertoire and key compositions of the 20th century. Now Grigory Sokolov returns to Schloss Elmau – with what is sure to be a compelling and impressive concert evening.

  • Sunday

    8 Jun


    Photo: Emil Matveev

    Dinara Klinton Klavier
    Why you must attend this concert:
    The Ukrainian pianist was included in International Piano Magazine's selection of the “most exciting and best pianists under 30“

    Liszt: Après une Lecture du Dante – Fantasia quasi sonata
    Levko Revutsky: Song Op 17 No 1
    Victor Kosenko: Étude C sharp minor
    Chopin: Piano sonata No 2 B flat major
    et al.

  • Tuesday

    10 Jun


    Photo: Evgeniya Frolkova
    Literature / Classical

    “My Puschkin“
    A literary-musical project
    Mikhail Schischkin texts
    Alexey Botvinov piano
    Why you must attend this event:
    The writer Shishkin, who has been translated into all the world's languages, is one of the most outspoken critics of current Russian politics

    with piano music by Tschaikovsky and Rachmaninoff

  • Wednesday

    11 Jun


    Photo: Marco Borggreve, Nikolay Vdovenko

    Sebastian Bohren violin
    Alexey Botvinov piano
    Why you must attend this concert:
    Pianist Alexey Botvinov received the highest honour for artists in his country as “People's Artist of Ukraine“. Now he invites violinist Sebastian Bohren to join him, who is praised for his “bravura“ (Sunday Times).

    Mozart: Violin sonata E minor K.304
    Silvestrov: Melodies of the Moments for piano and violin
    Prokofiev: Violin sonata F minor Op 80

  • Thursday

    12 Jun


    Photo: PR

    Sascha Maisky & Alissa Margulis violine
    Mischa Maisky cello
    Lily Maisky & Alexey Botvinov piano
    Why you must attend this concert:
    On these two concert evenings, the musicians around Mischa Maisky and Alexey Botvinov will perform works by Brahms and others in alternating line-ups

    Works by Brahms, Dvorak & Schumann

  • Friday

    13 Jun


    Photo: Hideki Shiozawa, Petra Benovsky, Valeriy Weduta

    Sascha Maisky & Alissa Margulis violin
    Mischa Maisky cello
    Lily Maisky & Alexey Botvinov piano
    Why you must attend this concert:
    On these two concert evenings, the musicians around Mischa Maisky and Alexey Botvinov will perform works by Brahms and others in alternating line-ups

    Works by Brahms, Beethoven & Debussy

  • Saturday

    14 Jun


    Photo: Sven Teschke, PR

    Vitali Klitschko Bürgermeister von Kiew (angefragt)
    im Gespräch mit
    Paul Ronzheimer stellvertretender Chefredakteur BILD

  • Wednesday

    18 Jun


    Photo: Stew Baxter_Manchester Collective
    New Classical

    Concert for the Yoga Summit 2025
    Rakhi Singh & Simmy Singh violin, vocals & electronics
    Why you must attend this concert:
    Two of the currently most innovative violinists


    Rakhi Singh and her sister Simmy, two of the most innovative violinists of our time, are guests in Elmau. Born in rural Wales to an Indian father and an English mother, they are influenced by different cultures and traditions, which also flow into their music. Rakhi is the founder and artistic director of the Manchester Collective, one of the most interesting ensembles around - experimenting with new music and musical forms. She works with artists such as Steve Reich, Hiromi, Phillip Glass, Björk and Abel Selaocoe.

  • Saturday

    21 Jun


    Photo: 2106_Merton_Paper Plane Records Int

    Alice Merton vocals
    & Band
    Why you must attend this concert:
    The German-British singer reached a billion streams with her song “No Roots”. Now she can be experienced for the first time at Schloss Elmau.


    With her two studio albums “MINT” & “S.I.D.E.S.”, the German-British indie pop singer achieved over one billion streams and three million sales. Since the release of her debut single “No Roots” (US Gold, multi-platinum in Europe), she has thrilled audiences all over the world. In addition to top 10 placings in the European charts or the US Hot 100 and winning the jury on “The Voice of Germany”, it is above all incredible live moments that characterise Alice Merton's career. From her home in London, Alice Merton has been working primarily on new music this year. She has already released two songs from this new era – so we can look forward to the coming year, in which there will be plenty of new music from Alice Merton.

  • 22 - 27

    Jun 25

    Photo: Caspar David Friedrich
    Week of Romanticism

    Week of Romanticism

    Each year, the Romanticism Week sheds light on a new aspect of musical Romanticism and its historical context.

    Sun, 22 June opening concert
    Mon, 23 - Do, 26 June one concert per evening & 1-2 matinee events
    Thu, 26 Junein the evening closing concert
    Fri, 27 June day of departure


    when booking 5 nights and more, arrival Sun, 22nd June
    incl. concert tickets, breakfast, spa, yoga and more
    Book your room here!

  • Sunday

    22 Jun


    Photo: Marco Borggreve, PR
    Week of the Romantic Era

    Opening Concert
    Vilde Frang violin
    Maximilian Hornung violoncello
    Denis Kozhukhin piano

    Schumann: Piano trio No 1 D minor Op 63 & No 2 F major Op 80

  • Monday

    23 Jun


    Photo: Aaron Bunker
    Week of the Romantic Era

    Lukas Sternath Klavier
    Why you must attend this concert:
    Lukas Sternath caused a sensation at the ARD Music Competition 2022 by winning the competition and seven other special prizes

    Works by Schumann & Liszt

    Since his spectacular win in the ARD Competition 2022 and seven further prizes in the same competition, he has been thrilling audiences – Lukas Sternath is considered “the rising star in the pianist's sky“ (Hamburger Abendblatt). Born in Vienna in 2001 and trained there, he is currently studying with Igor Levit at the Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media. The Süddeutsche Zeitung recently judged him to have “what a soloist needs: the ability to take his time“. (SZ)

  • 3 - 6

    Jul 25

    Photo: ÜVA_András Schiff_Nadja Sjöström
    Building Bridges

    Building Bridges – Sir András Schiff presents young pianists

    The famous pianist Sir András Schiff presents young pianists at the beginning of a great career. Even after graduating from a renowned music academy, it is not easy for young musicians to position themselves successfully on the music market. Regardless of talent and technical excellence, there is usually a lack of performance practice and important networks. This is where Sir András Schiff's mentoring programme Building Bridges comes in, with which he has been providing targeted and sustainable support for young pianists since 2014.

    Thu, 3 July opening concert (piano recital with Sir András Schiff)
    Fri, 4 & Sat 5 July Concerts with young pianists
    Sun, 6 July day of departure


    3 nights (arrival Thu, 3 July)
    incl. concert tickets, breakfast, spa, yoga and more
    Book your room here!

  • Thursday

    3 Jul


    Photo: Peter Fischli_Lucerne Festival
    Building Bridges

    Sir András Schiff piano

    solo recital

  • Friday

    4 Jul


    Photo: Wojciech Grzedzinski
    Building Bridges

    Sir András Schiff presents
    Chloe Mun Piano

    Winner of the Concours de Genève (2014), the International Busoni Competition (2015) & Member of Building Bridges 2024/2025

    Haydn: Piano sonata C major, Hob.XVI:48
    Debussy: Estampes L.100
    Schubert: Piano sonata No19 C minor, D.958

  • Friday

    4 Jul


    Photo: Irène Zandel
    Building Bridges

    Sir András Schiff presents
    Schaghajegh Nosrati Piano

    Winner of the second prize at the International Bach Competition Leipzig (2014) & Alumna of Building Bridges 2015/2016

    Bach: Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue
    Mozart: Sonata D Major K 576
    Mendelssohn: Variations sérieuses
    Bach: Partita No. 4 D Major

  • Saturday

    5 Jul


    Photo: Neda Navaee
    Building Bridges

    Sir András Schiff presents
    Tomoki Park Piano

    Concerts at the Philharmonie Berlin, the Suntory Hall, at the Rheingau Music Festival & Alumnus of Building Bridges 2023/2024

    Bach: Ricercare a 6 from the "Musical Offering" BWV1079
    Dai Fujikura: New Commissioned Piece (2025)
    Webern: Variations op.27
    Beethoven: Piano Sonata B flat major, Op.106 "Hammerklavier"

  • Saturday

    5 Jul


    Photo: Nadja Sjöström
    Building Bridges

    Sir András Schiff
    duos with
    Chloe Mun, Schaghajegh Nosrati & Tomoki Park

  • Wednesday

    9 Jul


    Photo: Marco Borggreve

    Lucas & Arthur Jussen piano duo
    Why you must attend this concert:
    One of the most sought-after piano duos of our time brings a breath of fresh air to classical music

    Grieg: Peer Gynt-Suite No 1 for 4 hands
    Schubert: Rondo A major for 4 hands
    Rachmaninov: Six Morceaux Op 11 for 4 hands

    Dutch duo Lucas & Artur Jussen are among the most sought-after piano duos of our time and are a breath of fresh air in the world's biggest concert halls. With their energetic, almost symbiotic playing, their great refinement of sound and their gripping interpretations, they are celebrated by press and audience alike. “It's like driving two BMWs at the same time,” said conductor Michael Schønwandt about the two pianists after a joint concert.

  • Thursday

    10 Jul


    Photo: Maurice Haas, Julie Mignot

    Belcea Quartet string quartet
    Quatuor Ébène string quartet
    Why you must attend this concert:
    The two best string quartets in the world united in an octet

    Mendelssohn: String octet
    Enescu: String octet

    Two world-class string quartets: the Quatuor Ébène and the Belcea Quartet are among the best string quartets ever. For this concert, they unite to form an octet and interpret two of the great works for this instrumentation – Mendelssohn's youthful work full of luminous melodic ideas and the darkly glowing, dense work by the nineteen-year-old Romanian Enescu.

  • Tuesday

    15 Jul


    Photo: PR

    Stefanie Heinzmann
    & MIKIs Takeover! Ensemble
    Why you must attend this concert:
    Pop star Stefanie Heinzmann presents her songs in the artistic arrangements of the Takeover! ensemble

    On this evening, the sought-after pop singer Stefanie Heinzmann presents her songs in the artful arrangements of the “Takeover! Ensemble”. The Swiss singer scored a hit in 2008 with “My Man Is A Mean Man” and went on to perform with international stars such as Lionel Richie. Now it will be interesting to see how her songs sound in the Takeover arrangements, as the head of the ensemble, violinist Miki Kekenj, effortlessly brings all styles together with his clever arrangements, translating modern songs from pop and soul into his classical instrumentation and thus ensuring a particularly emotional concert experience.

  • Tuesday

    22 Jul


    Photo: Ben Bonouvrier

    Abel Selaocoe cello, voice & electronics
    Why you must attend this concert:
    The South African cellist Abel Selaocoe overwhelms audiences worldwide with his vital performance and expressive stage presence


    South African cellist Abel Selaocoe redefines the parameters of the cello: he moves effortlessly through a variety of genres, from collaborations with world musicians and beatboxers to classical solo concerts. He combines virtuoso performance with improvisation, singing and body percussion and has a particular interest in rethinking concert programmes and highlighting connections between Western and non-Western musical traditions.

  • Thursday

    31 Jul


    Photo: PR

    Minsoo Sohn piano

    Beethoven: Piano Sonatas No 30 E major Op 109, No 31 A flat major Op 110 & No 32 C minor Op 111

  • Tuesday

    5 Aug


    Photo: Bossnini, PR

    Valerie Fritz cello
    Goran Stevanovich accordion

    ECHO Rising Star 2025/26 (Valerie Fritz)

  • Saturday

    9 Aug


    Photo: Robin Clewley Photography

    Jess Gillam saxophon
    Sam Becker double bass
    Zeynep Özsuca piano
    Why you must attend this concert:
    “Not just one of Britain’s most virtuosic instrumentalists, but also an unstuffy, inspiring personality” (The Times)


    British saxophonist Jess Gillam delights audiences everywhere with her infectious esprit. She has performed with orchestras such as the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra and in venues such as the Royal Albert Hall, including the famous “Last Night of the Proms” on several occasions. She was the first saxophonist ever to secure an exclusive recording contract with the major CD label Decca Classics. Now with a fabulously eclectic programme that takes us on a musical journey of discovery from Bach to Bowie!

  • 23 - 27

    Aug 25

    Photo: Radio Classique
    Masterclass Gautier Capuçon

    Masterclass Gautier Capuçon
    & der Fondation Gautier Capuçon
    Public masterclasses & concerts with Gautier Capuçon und his prize winners

    For four days, cello star Gautier Capuçon will hold public masterclasses and concerts in Schloss Elmau, to which all guests are welcome to attend. He works with the aspiring professional string players and pianists on great chamber music works. For the opening concert, Gautier Capuçon himself will play a concert, considered the benchmark by his numerous students as well as his international audience. The other concerts will be performed by the students with the participation of Capuçon.

    Sat, 23 August 9 pm opening concert (recital by Gautier Capuçon)
    Sun, 24 August – Tue, 26 August 11 am masterclasses | 9 pm concerts of the laureats & Gautier Capuçon
    Wed, 27 August day of departure


    5 nights (arrival Fri, 22 August)
    incl. concert tickets, breakfast, spa, yoga and more
    Book your room here!

  • Saturday

    23 Aug


    Photo: Fabien Monthubert, Erato
    Masterclass Gautier Capuçon

    Opening concert
    Gautier Capuçon cello
    Frank Braley piano
    Why you most attend this concert:Opening concert of the Masterclass week by cello star Gautier Capuçon.

    To kick off the annual “Masterclass Gautier Capuçon”, the cello master himself will be performing a recital on stage with his long-term piano partner Frank Braley, with whom Capuçon has recorded many CDs.

  • Sunday

    24 Aug


    Photo: Frank Grimm, PR
    Masterclass Gautier Capuçon

    Morning Masterclass I
    with Gautier Capuçon & prize winners of his Fondation Gautier Capuçon

    Why you must attend this concert:
    In public masterclasses, you can witness at first hand how works are prepared for a concert.

    Gautier Capuçon teaches young students of his Fondation

    “I know how difficult it is to build a career as a classical musician”, says master cellist Gautier. To support talented young artists in the first steps of their careers, Capuçon set up his own philanthropic foundation in 2022, the Fondation Gautier Capuçon, which is under the patronage of the Fondation de France. In the morning masterclasses, you can witness up close how Gautier Capuçon works with the young string players and pianists, scholarship holders of his foundation, on great chamber music works. In the evening concerts, the musicians then present the works they have worked on together.

  • Sunday

    24 Aug


    Photo: Felix Broede, PR
    Masterclass Gautier Capuçon

    Gautier Capuçon cello
    & prize winners of his Fondation Gautier Capuçon

    Why you must attend this concert:
    The young musicians perform together with their mentors in solo, duo and trio performances.

    Gautier Capuçon, cello
    Frank Braley, piano
    & young prize winners

    The young string players and soloists present the chamber music works they have worked on in the morning masterclasses.

  • Monday

    25 Aug


    Photo: Frank Grimm, PR
    Masterclass Gautier Capuçon

    Morning Masterclass II
    with Gautier Capuçon & prize winners of his Fondation Gautier Capuçon
    Why you must attend this concert:
    In public masterclasses, you can witness at first hand how works are prepared for a concert.

    Gautier Capuçon teaches young students of his Fondation

    “I know how difficult it is to build a career as a classical musician”, says master cellist Gautier. To support talented young artists in the first steps of their careers, Capuçon set up his own philanthropic foundation in 2022, the Fondation Gautier Capuçon, which is under the patronage of the Fondation de France. In the morning masterclasses, you can witness up close how Gautier Capuçon works with the young string players and pianists, scholarship holders of his foundation, on great chamber music works. In the evening concerts, the musicians then present the works they have worked on together.

  • Monday

    25 Aug


    Photo: Felix Broede, PR
    Masterclass Gautier Capuçon

    Gautier Capuçon cello
    & prize winners of his Fondation Gautier Capuçon

    Why you must attend this concert:
    The young musicians perform together with their mentors in solo, duo and trio performances.

    Gautier Capuçon, cello
    Frank Braley, piano
    & young prize winners

    The young string players and soloists present the chamber music works they have worked on in the morning masterclasses.

  • Tuesday

    26 Aug


    Photo: Frank Grimm, PR
    Masterclass Gautier Capuçon

    Morning Masterclass III
    with Gautier Capuçon & prize winners of his Fondation Gautier Capuçon
    Why you must attend this concert:
    In public masterclasses, you can witness at first hand how works are prepared for a concert.

    Gautier Capuçon teaches young students of his Fondation

    “I know how difficult it is to build a career as a classical musician”, says master cellist Gautier. To support talented young artists in the first steps of their careers, Capuçon set up his own philanthropic foundation in 2022, the Fondation Gautier Capuçon, which is under the patronage of the Fondation de France. In the morning masterclasses, you can witness up close how Gautier Capuçon works with the young string players and pianists, scholarship holders of his foundation, on great chamber music works. In the evening concerts, the musicians then present the works they have worked on together.

  • Tuesday

    26 Aug


    Photo: Felix Broede, PR
    Masterclass Gautier Capuçon

    Closing concert
    Gautier Capuçon cello
    & prize winners of his Fondation Gautier Capuçon
    Why you must attend this concert:
    The young musicians perform together with their mentors in solo, duo and trio performances.

    Gautier Capuçon, cello
    Frank Braley, piano
    & young prize winners

  • 31 - 4

    Aug - Sep 25

    Photo: Markus Jans

    Piano Summit with Víkingur Ólafsson

    This piano summit brings outstanding pianists to Schloss Elmau, including Icelandic piano star Víkingur Ólafsson. After his mammoth project of the Goldberg Variations, which he performed 88 times last season - including three times at Schloss Elmau - he is organising this concert around Ludwig van Beethoven's Sonata op. 109.


    arrival Sun, 31 August
    incl. concert tickets, breakfast, spa, yoga and more
    Book your room here!