SCHLOSS ELMAU Events Calendar

The Schloss Elmau Experience Since more than 100 years concerts & talks with great artists & authors on the pulse of time. Tickets for hotel guests are included in the resort fee.

General information

Dear concert guests,
For hotel guests of Schloss Elmau, admission to all cultural events is included in the resort fee. You can register for the events online via “Book seats” here in the cultural calendar, by phone on +49 8823 18 260 or by text message to +49 1733 1122 77.
Permanent Residents of the region within a radius of 80 km (driving distance) are welcome to purchase tickets, subject to availability (hotels, guesthouses or vacation rentals do not count as a permanent address). Tickets can be purchased online via "Book seats" here in the cultural calendar.
Your culture office team

  • 11 - 17

    Nov 24

    Photo: Egbert Krupp
    25th European Jazztival

    25th European Jazztival
    Jubilee season

    The “European Jazz Festival“ is the annual highlight of the Elmau jazz programme. For the 25th anniversary season, important companions of the past 25 years – big stars and first-class formations – gather in the atmospherically illuminated concert hall over six festival days.

    Opening concert Mon, 11 November, 12-16 November two concerts per evening, at 5 pm and 9:30 pm, 1x jazz and talk (in German) on Fri, 15 November, closing concert Sat, 16 November, day of departure Sun, 17 November


    Arrival Sun, 10 November
    incl. concert tickets, breakfast, spa, yoga and more
    Book your room here!

    Arrival Sat, 16 November
    incl. 2 concerts (Elina Duni & Rob Luft and Joachim Kühn & Michael Wollny)
    as well as breakfast, spa, yoga and more
    Book your room here!

  • Tuesday

    12 Nov


    Photo: Elizabeth Leitzell
    25th European Jazztival

    Lakecia Benjamin alto saxophone
    & Band
    Why you must attend this concert:
    The American saxophonist with three Grammy nominations at Schloss Elmau for the first time

    Lakecia Benjamin, alto saxophone
    Oscar Perez, piano
    Elias Bailey, bass
    EJ Strickland, drums

    The celebrated American saxophonist Lakecia Benjamin combines jazz, funk and soul in her powerful playing. Known for her energetic live performances, Benjamin is considered one of the most exciting voices in modern jazz. ‘Phoenix’ is her album released in 2023, produced by the renowned Terri Lyne Carrington, and not only addresses her own artistic transformation, but also deals with universal themes such as healing, strength and renewal.

  • Tuesday

    12 Nov


    Photo: Georg Stirnweiss, Uli Neumann-Cosel
    25th European Jazztival

    Shuteen Erdenebaatar piano
    Nils Kugelmann contralto clarinet & bass
    “Lightville”) Why you must attend this concert:
    “A notable debut that exceeds expectations at every level.” (All About Jazz)


    Jazz pianist and composer Shuteen Erdenebaatar has been living in Munich for around five years. She received a classical education in her home country of Mongolia, giving her a highly remarkable background. She has been honoured with numerous awards, including the BMW Young Artist Jazz Award 2022, and is accompanied by the virtuoso young Munich-based double bassist and clarinettist Nils Kugelmann, winner of the ‘European Young Artist Award 2023’ at Jazzwoche Burghausen and signed to the renowned ACT label.

  • Wednesday

    13 Nov


    Photo: Christoph Heidrich, Adrian Schätz_ECM Records
    25th European Jazztival

    Benjamin Lackner piano
    Matthieu Bordenave saxophone
    Paul Kleber bass double
    Matthieu Chazarenc drums
    “Last Decade”

    “Benjamin Lackner may be a debutant on ECM, but with “Last Decade” he captures the essence that has characterised this label for over 50 years. (...) This tangible transience of an intangible memory amounts to a stirring intimacy. “Last Decade” reveals a longing that has not been moulded into music with such persuasive power for a very long time.” (Jazzthing 10/2022)

  • Wednesday

    13 Nov


    Photo: Rolf Kissling, ACT
    25th European Jazztival

    Nguyên Lê guitar
    Majid Bekkas gimbri, oud & vocals

  • Thursday

    14 Nov


    Photo: Bartosz Maz, CF Wesenberg
    25th European Jazztival

    Adam Baldych violin
    Helge Lien piano

  • Thursday

    14 Nov


    Photo: Michael Wilson
    25th European Jazztival

    Brad Mehldau Trio
    Brad Mehldau piano
    Jorge Rossy drums
    Felix Moseholm bass

  • Friday

    15 Nov


    Photo: Deutscher Radiopreis
    25th European Jazztival

    Jazz & Talk
    “Hören wir Gutes und reden darüber” live @ Schloss Elmau
    Deutscher Radiopreis 2022

    in German

    Jazzalben vorgestellt im Gespräch: Beate Sampson, Roland Spiegel und Ulrich Habersetzer aus der Jazzredaktion von BR-KLASSIK lassen ihrer Begeisterung freien Lauf, wenn sie das Elmauer Publikum und ihre Kollegen gegenseitig mit ihren Favoriten neuer Jazz-Einspielungen überraschen, ohne zu verraten, wer spielt.

  • Friday

    15 Nov


    Photo: Egil Hansen
    25th European Jazztival

    Bugge Wesseltoft piano, keyboards
    Dan Berglund bass
    Magnus Öström drums

  • Friday

    15 Nov


    Photo: Nikola Stankovic
    25th European Jazztival

    Nils Landgren Funk Unit
    Why you must attend this concert:
    Thrillingly groovy and a must at this festival – the Nils Landgren Funk Unit, which itself is celebrating 30 years of band history this year

    Nils Landgren, trombone & vocals
    Jonas Wall, tenor saxophone & vocals
    Andy Pfeiler, guitar & vocals
    Petter Bergander, keys & vocals
    Magnum Coltrane Price, bass, keys & vocals
    Robert Ikiz, drums

  • Saturday

    16 Nov


    Photo: PR
    25th European Jazztival

    Elina Duni vocals
    Rob Luft guitar
    Why you must attend this concert:
    Moving duo: the Albanian-Swiss singer Elina Duni with the young British guitar star Rob Luft

  • Saturday

    16 Nov


    Photo: Jörg Steinmetz
    25th European Jazztival

    Closing concert
    Joachim Kühn piano
    Michael Wollny piano

    On the 80th birthday of Joachim Kühn

  • 17 - 22

    Nov 24

    Photo: 2024 neu Literaturtage Top Package
    Literature Festival

    Literature Festival: Future scenarios
    “The future isn't what it used to be“

    in German

  • Sunday

    17 Nov


    Photo: Debora Mittelstaedt, dtv
    Literature Days

    Florence Gaub
    “Zukunft: Eine Bedienungsanleitung”

    Opening reading
    in German

    „Der Mensch ist das Wesen, das die Fähigkeit hat, sich die Zukunft so detailliert vorzustellen, dass er sie erschaffen kann.“ (Florence Gaub)
    Florence Gaub ist Politikwissenschaftlerin, Militärstrategin und Zukunftsforscherin, sie leitet als Direktorin den Forschungsbereich am NATO Defense College in Rom und berät Regierungen und internationale Organisationen anhand von Zukunftsszenarien und Trendanalysen.

  • Monday

    18 Nov


    Photo: Stephan Rumpf, Magnus Terhorst
    Literature Days

    Rachel Salamander & Alexander Estis
    „Erinnern für die Zukunft“
    Warum Sie diese Veranstaltung besuchen sollten:
    Rachel Salamander und Alexander Estis sprechen über eine der grundlegendsten Fragen überhaupt.

    in German

    Keine Zukunft ohne Vergangenheit. Unser Umgang mit der Erinnerung an Vergangenes und mit der Frage, was davon erinnernswert ist, bestimmt nicht nur, wie wir in die Zukunft blicken, sondern auch wie wir sie gestalten. Was müssen wir bewahren, was sollten wir vergessen? Die Antwort auf diese Fragen bestimmt unser politisches Handeln privat und gesellschaftlich. Die Literaturwissenschaftlerin Rachel Salamander und der Schriftsteller Alexander Estis unterhalten sich darüber.

  • Monday

    18 Nov


    Photo: Gesine Born_Stifterverband, Suhrkamp
    Literature Days

    Steffen Mau
    “Worüber streiten wir? – Konsens und Konflikt in der Gegenwartsgesellschaft”

    in German

    „Soziale Konflikte sind nie einfach nur da, sie werden auch gesellschaftlich hergestellt: entfacht, angeheizt, getriggert.“
    Steffen Mau, Professor für Makrosoziologie an der Humboldt-Universität in Berlin erregte mit seinem Buch Triggerpunkte große Aufmerksamkeit: Von einer „Spaltung der Gesellschaft“ ist immer häufiger die Rede. Bei vielen großen Fragen, so der überraschende Befund der Analyse, herrscht einigermaßen Konsens. Werden jedoch bestimmte Triggerpunkte berührt, verschärft sich schlagartig die Debatte. „Kein Buch konnte in diesem Jahr so überzeugen.“ (SZ)

  • Tuesday

    19 Nov


    Photo: Jan Bosch, Marburg
    Literature Days

    Hania Siebenpfeiffer
    „Literarische Zukunftsbilder zwischen Dystopie und Utopie“
    Warum Sie diese Veranstaltung besuchen sollten:
    Eine literarische Geschichte der Zukunft.

    in German

  • Tuesday

    19 Nov


    Photo: Gunter Glücklich
    Literature Days

    Uwe Timm
    „Der Verrückte in den Dünen – Über Utopie und Literatur“
    Warum Sie diese Veranstaltung besuchen sollten:
    Eine inspirierende, kluge Reflexion über die Kraft der Utopie.

    Book presentation
    in German

  • Wednesday

    20 Nov


    Photo: koszki-photography, CH. Links Verlag
    Literature Days

    Christian Jakob
    Warum Sie diese Veranstaltung besuchen sollten:
    „Christian Jakob ist ein absolut unabhängiger Geist mit ausgeprägtem Gerechtigkeitssinn.“ Jean Ziegler

    in German

    Apocalypse now? In einer Welt voller Krisen wächst vor allem unter jungen Menschen die Furcht vor dem Ende. Dabei geht es nicht nur um den Klimawandel: Ökologie, Krieg, Inflation und Pandemie ballen sich zu einer Polykrise und untergraben den Glauben an eine gestaltbare Zukunft, die vielen nicht mehr vorstellbar erscheint. Jakob seziert die Mechanismen der Endzeitangst und zeigt, warum trotz allem Grund zur Zuversicht besteht.

  • Wednesday

    20 Nov


    Photo: Jork Weismann, Piper
    Literature Days

    Eckhart Nickel
    Warum Sie diese Veranstaltung besuchen sollten:
    „Mit großartiger Leichtigkeit und sprachlicher Eleganz erzählt Eckhart Nickel vom Untergang und vom allmählichen Verschwinden von allem.“ (NZZ)

    in German

    „Hysteria“ erzählt die Geschichte von Bergheim, der auf einem Biomarkt merkwürdig unnatürliche Himbeeren entdeckt. Auf der Suche nach dem Rätsel ihrer Beschaffenheit und Herkunft gerät er immer tiefer in eine kulinarische Dystopie, in der das Natürliche nur noch als absolutes Kunstprodukt existiert, weil das Künstliche längst alle Natur ersetzt hat. Aber keiner weiß davon. Nur seine Hypersensibilisierung befähigt Bergheim, die unheimliche Veränderung wahrzunehmen und ihr nachzugehen.

  • Thursday

    21 Nov


    Photo: Thomas Hauzenberger
    Literature Days

    Philipp Lenhard
    „Messianismus, Apokalypse und ewige Wiederkunft. Zukunftsvorstellungen in der jüdischen Geistesgeschichte“

    in German

  • Thursday

    21 Nov


    Photo: Stephan Rumpf, Thomas Hauzenberger
    Literature Days

    „Hoffen oder Verzagen – Herausforderung Zukunft“

    in German

  • 23 - 1

    Nov - Dec 24

    Photo: Leopold Fiala
    Verbier Festival @ Schloss Elmau

    15th Verbier Festival @ Schloss Elmau

    Martin T:son Engstroem, founder and director of the famous Verbier Festival in the Swiss Alps, presents outstanding young artists at the beginning of a great career alongside established musical personalities. The programme, which includes 15 solo, chamber music and orchestral concerts with the Verbier Festival Chamber Orchestra conducted by Gábor Takács-Nagy, is curated by his wife Blythe Teh Engstroem, who serves as co-artistic director of the festival.

    with Elisabeth Leonskaja, Alexander Malofeev, Tsotne Zedginidze (piano), Martin Fröst (clarinet), Boris Brovtsyn, Yamen Saadi & Marc Bouchkov (violin), Timothy Ridout (viola), Mischa Maisky (cello) et al.


    when booking 5 nights and more, arrival Sun, 24 November
    incl. concert tickets, breakfast, spa, yoga and more
    Book your room here!

    Shorter stay possible

    Two concerts daily, opening concert Sat, 23 November in the evening, final concert Sat, 30 November in the evening, day of departure Sun, 1 December

  • Saturday

    23 Nov


    Photo: Andrej Grilc
    Verbier Festival @ Schloss Elmau

    Opening concert
    Mischa Maisky cello
    Maximilian Maisky piano

    Bach: Cello Suites No 3 C major & No 5 C minor
    Bach: Cello sonata G major BWV 1027

  • Sunday

    24 Nov


    Photo: Clara Evens, Julien Mignot
    Verbier Festival @ Schloss Elmau

    Yamen Saadi violin
    Julien Quentin piano

    Ysaÿe: Poème Elégiaque Op 12
    Brahms: Violin sonata no 2 A major
    Works by Kreisler

  • Sunday

    24 Nov


    Photo: PR, Jiyang Chen
    Verbier Festival @ Schloss Elmau

    Boris Brovtsyn violin
    Timothy Ridout viola
    Verbier Festival Chamber Orchestra
    Gábor Takács-Nagy conductor

    Haydn: Symphony No 1
    Mozart: Divertimento B-flat major K.137
    Mozart: Sinfonia Concertante for violin and viola K364

  • Sunday

    24 Nov


    Photo: PR, Clara Evens
    Verbier Festival @ Schloss Elmau

    A Star at the Bar:
    Lahav Shani & Stefan Mehr
    in conversation

    in English

    First come, first serve (no registration necessary)

    For hotel guests only, no ticket contingent for external visitors.

  • Monday

    25 Nov


    Photo: Sophia Melkidze
    Verbier Festival @ Schloss Elmau

    Tsotne Zedginidze piano

    Beethoven: Piano sonata No 9 E minor Op 14 No 1
    Schumann: Davidsbündlertänze

  • Monday

    25 Nov


    Photo: Clara Evens, Kristian Schuller, Liudmila Malofeeva
    Verbier Festival @ Schloss Elmau

    Boris Brovtsyn & Yamen Saadi violin
    Timothy Ridout & Blythe Teh Engstroem viola
    Pablo Ferrández & Joël Marosi cello
    Alexander Malofeev piano

    Mendelssohn: String quintet No 2 B-flat major
    Dvorák: Piano trio No 4 ”Dumky“

  • Tuesday

    26 Nov


    Photo: Jiyang Chen, Julien Mignot
    Verbier Festival @ Schloss Elmau

    Timothy Ridout viola
    Julien Quentin piano

    Schumann: Three romances Op 94
    Brahms: Sonata No. 1 E minor Op 38 (arr. for viola)
    et al.

  • Tuesday

    26 Nov


    Photo: Andrej Grilc, Ulrike Myrzik
    Verbier Festival @ Schloss Elmau

    Mischa Maisky cello
    Verbier Festival Chamber Orchestra
    Gábor Takács-Nagy conductor

    Saint-Saëns: Cello Concerto No 1 A minor
    Beethoven: Symphony No 2 D Major

  • Wednesday

    27 Nov


    Photo: PR, Jiyang Chen, Kristian Schuller, Nino Chakvetadze
    Verbier Festival @ Schloss Elmau

    Boris Brovtsyn violin
    Timothy Ridout viola
    Pablo Ferrández cello
    Brendan Kane bass
    Tsotne Zedginidze piano

    Schubert: Trout quintet D.667

  • Wednesday

    27 Nov


    Photo: Marco Borggreve
    Verbier Festival @ Schloss Elmau

    Elisabeth Leonskaja piano

    Webern: Variations for piano Op 27
    Schubert: Piano sonata D major D.850

  • Thursday

    28 Nov


    Photo: PR, Julien Mignot
    Verbier Festival @ Schloss Elmau

    Boris Brovtsyn violin
    Julien Quentin piano

    Korngold: Suite for violin and piano from “Much Ado About Nothing”
    Strauss: Violin sonata Op 18
    Szymanowski: Nocturne and Tarantella Op 28

  • Thursday

    28 Nov


    Photo: Liudmilla Malofeeva, Ulrike Myrzik
    Verbier Festival @ Schloss Elmau

    Alexander Malofeev piano
    Verbier Festival Chamber Orchestra
    Gábor Takács-Nagy conductor

    Saint-Saëns: Piano concerto No 2 G minor Op 22
    Mozart: Symphony No 39 E flat major K.543

  • Friday

    29 Nov


    Photo: Nikolaj Lund, Sophia Melkidze
    Verbier Festival @ Schloss Elmau

    Marc Bouchkov violon
    Tsotne Zedginidze piano

    Beethoven: Violin sonata No 10 G major
    Schubert: Violin sonata A major “Grand Duo”

  • Friday

    29 Nov


    Photo: Nikolaj Lund, Mat Hannek, Marco Borggreve
    Verbier Festival @ Schloss Elmau

    Elisabeth Leonskaja piano
    Boris Brovtsyn & Marc Bouchkov violin
    Blythe Teh Engstroem viola
    Jens Peter Maintz cello

    Kodály: Serenade for two violins and viola Op 12
    Dvorák: Piano quintet A major Op 81

  • Friday

    29 Nov


    Photo: PR, Mats Bäcker
    Verbier Festival @ Schloss Elmau

    A Star at the Bar:
    Mao Fujita & Stefan Mehr
    in conversation

    in EnglishFirst come, first serve (no registration necessary)

    For hotel guests only, no ticket contingent for external visitors.

  • Saturday

    30 Nov


    Photo: Stefan Höderath
    Verbier Festival @ Schloss Elmau

    Raphaël Feuillâtre guitar

    works by Bach, Couperin, Piazzolla et al.

  • Saturday

    30 Nov


    Photo: Nicolas Brodard_Aline Paley, Mats Bäcker
    Verbier Festival @ Schloss Elmau

    Closing concert
    Martin Fröst clarinet
    Verbier Festival Chamber Orchestra
    Gábor Takács-Nagy conductor

    Dance Mosaic for clarinet & orchestra (Brahms, Bartók, Klezmer)
    Beethoven: Symphony No 1 C major

  • 5 - 8

    Dec 24

    Photo: PR

    Democracy in Times of Crisis
    A Schloss Elmau Symposium

    Demokratie und Freiheit scheinen auch in Deutschland zunehmend bedroht. Die Präsidenten der Verfassungsgerichte von Deutschland und Österreich, Politiker, renommierte Staatsrechtslehrer, Historiker und Ökonomen diskutieren vor diesem Hintergrund über Gefahren und Risiken für den demokratischen Rechtsstaat, Maßnahmen zu seiner Stärkung und die Bedeutung der transatlantischen Beziehungen zu seiner Verteidigung gegen seine Feinde im In- und Ausland.

    Wissenschaftliche Leitung: Prof. Dr. Peter Michael Huber (Richter des Bundesverfassungsgerichts a. D. und Thüringer Innenminister a. D.)

    Für Hotelgäste: Bitte melden Sie sich über den Button „Plätze buchen“ mit Ihrer Zimmerreservierungsnummer für die Veranstaltungen an.

    Aktuell kein Ticketkontingent für Bewohner der Region



    Anreise Do, 5. Dezember
    inkl. Veranstaltungstickets, Frühstück, Spa, Yoga u.v.m.
    Hier Package buchen!

  • 13 - 15

    Dec 24

    Photo: Till Brönner

    Till Brönner – Silent Night
    A weekend with Till Brönner

    Till Brönner is not only Germany's most successful jazz trumpet player, but also a composer, arranger, professor, radio host and photographer. With six ECHOS and a GRAMMY nomination, he is without doubt one of the most influential musicians in his genre. In December 2024, Till Brönner will bring his new Christmas program “Silent Night” to Schloss Elmau together with a first-class band and create a festive Christmas spirit in two concerts.


    2 nights, arrival, Fri 13 December
    incl. concert tickets, breakfast, spa, yoga and more
    Book your room here!

  • Friday

    13 Dec


    Photo: Till Brönner

    Till Brönner
    „Silent Night – The Christmas Concert“
    Part 1

    Till Brönner, trumpet & flugelhorn
    Kim Sanders, vocals
    Fausto Beccalossi, accordion
    Olaf Polziehn, piano
    Christian von Kaphengst, bass & musical direction
    David Haynes, drums & percussion

    Different programmes on both nights

  • Saturday

    14 Dec


    Photo: Till Brönner

    Till Brönner
    „Silent Night – The Christmas Concert“
    Part 2

    Till Brönner, trumpet & flugelhorn
    Kim Sanders, vocals
    Fausto Beccalossi, accordion
    Olaf Polziehn, piano
    Christian von Kaphengst, bass & musical direction
    David Haynes, drums & percussion

    Different programmes on both nights

  • Saturday

    21 Dec


    Photo: Marco Borggreve

    Janine Jansen violin
    & friends

    Enescu: String Octet Op 7
    et al.

  • Monday

    23 Dec


    Photo: Marco Borggreve

    Janine Jansen violin
    & friends

    Taneyev: Piano Quintet Op 30
    et al.

  • Wednesday

    25 Dec


    Photo: Peter-Andreas Hassiepen, Hanser
    Christmas reading

    in German

    Außerdem: Sternenhimmel-Führung um 22 Uhr

    „In einer Zeit vor der Schrift war unser Sternenhimmel ein Kino der Nacht“ (Raoul Schrott). Mit ihrer ungeheuren Einbildungskraft haben die Menschen in den Sternen ihre ältesten Kunstwerke geschaffen und dadurch ihre Kulturen dargestellt. Raoul Schrott präsentiert 17 Sternenhimmel von allen Kontinenten. Unser Großer Wagen war für die Maya ein göttlicher Papagei, für die Inka der einbeinige Gott des Gewitters, für die Inuit ein Elch, für die Araber eine Totenbahre.

  • Thursday

    26 Dec


    Photo: Maxim Abrossimow

    Yulianna Avdeeva piano
    Why you must attend this concert:
    Pianist with a global career since winning the famous Chopin Competition

    Chopin: Polonaise-Fantaisie Op 61
    Barcarolle Op 60
    Andante spianato et grande polonaise brilliante Op 22
    et al.

    Yulianna Avdeeva gained worldwide recognition through her great success at the Chopin Competition, where she won first prize in 2010. A pianist of fiery temperament and virtuosity, Avdeeva plays with power, conviction and sensitivity, delighting audiences around the world.

  • Friday

    27 Dec


    Photo: Ekko von Schwichow, Martin Schutt_dpa

    Ilko-Sascha Kowalczuk & Jens-Christian Wagner
    „Hat der Westen wirklich den Osten erfunden?“ - Ostdeutschland und die Freiheit seit 1990

    in German

  • Saturday

    28 Dec


    Photo: Sebastian Reiter

    Jazzrausch Bigband
    Ensemble in Residence 2024 @ Schloss Elmau

  • Sunday

    29 Dec


    Photo: Quadriga
    Vortrag & Gespräch

    Philippa Sigl-Glöckner
    „Gutes Geld - Wege zu einer gerechten und nachhaltigen Gesellschaft“
    Warum Sie diese Veranstaltung besuchen sollten:
    Die Expertin für Finanzpolitik und Geschäftsführerin der von ihr mitgegründeten Denkfabrik „Dezernat Zukunft“ stellt ihr erstes Buch vor

    in German

    Philippa Sigl-Glöckner ist Gründungsdirektorin der „Denkfabrik Dezernat Zukunft – Institut für Makrofinanzen“. In ihrem Buch zeigt sie Wege zu einer gerechten und nachhaltigen Gesellschaft auf: „Frauen sollen weniger arbeiten als Männer“, „Wir brauchen Arbeitslosigkeit“ – das sind die Regeln, nach denen die deutsche Regierung derzeit Entscheidungen über den Staatshaushalt trifft. Damit verspielen wir unsere Zukunft und gefährden die Demokratie. Es ist nicht der Kapitalismus an sich, der im Weg steht. Sondern die angebliche Alternativlosigkeit, die unsere Politik bestimmt. Dieses Buch zeigt, wie es anders geht. Mit gutem Geld für ein selbstbestimmtes Leben, wirksamen Klimaschutz und wirtschaftlicher Unabhängigkeit von Diktatoren.

  • Monday

    30 Dec


    Photo: Juliane Eirich
    Vortrag & Gespräch

    Christopher Clark
    „1848 im Rückspiegel“ – Heutige Resonanzen einer europäischen Revolution

    in german

  • Tuesday

    31 Dec


    Photo: Toni Hauser
    Pop / Singer-Songwriter

    New Year's Eve Concert
    Rufus Wainwright piano & vocals
    „Old and New Songs for the Old and New Year“

  • Tuesday

    31 Dec


    Photo: istock, Julien Mignot
    Dance Evening

    New Year's Eve Waltz Evening
    Julien Quentin, piano
    Why you must attend this event:
    Dance towards the new year on the legendary Elmau dance floor

    Pianist Julien Quentin plays waltzes by Chopin, Tschaikowski, Brahms, Schubert, Strauss et al.

  • Thursday

    2 Jan


    Photo: PR
    Cinema in the concert hall

    Filme des Jahres
    Wim Wenders: „Perfect Days“
    Warum Sie diese Veranstaltung besuchen sollten:
    „Wim Wenders' bester Spielfilm seit Jahrzehnten, subtil, humorvoll, lebensweise.“ (Der Spiegel)

    Regie: Wim Wenders, Deutschland/Japan 2023, FSK 0, 125 Min.


    Wim Wenders erzählt in seinem gefeierten Film die Geschichte eines Toilettenreinigers in Tokio, eine zutiefst bewegende und poetische Reflexion über die Suche nach Schönheit in der alltäglichen Welt um uns herum.

  • Friday

    3 Jan


    Photo: PR, Julija Goyd

    Johanna Summer piano
    Malakoff Kowalski piano,vocals

  • Saturday

    4 Jan


    Photo: Christoph Köstlin

    MILOŠ guitar

    Compositions by:
    George Frideric Handel, Jean-Phillippe Rameau, Domenico Scarlatti, Isaac Albéniz et al.

  • 6 - 12

    Jan 25

    Photo: scholzshootspeopla
    70th Chamber Music Week

    70th Chamber Music Week

    Sabine Meyer is one of the most renowned interpreters of our time and has played a key role in shaping concert life over the last few decades. She has now curated the programme for the 70th Chamber Music Week and has invited musician friends and companions to Schloss Elmau shortly before her official retirement from the stage.
    with Sabine Meyer, Fatma Said, Nils Mönkemeyer, William Youn, Antje Weithaas
    et al.


    when booking 5 nights and more, arrival Sun, 5 January)
    incl. concert tickets, breakfast, Spa, Yoga and more
    book your room here!

    Shorter stay possible

    Opens Mon, 6 Jan 5:00 pm | Tue, 7 – Sat, 11 Jan two concerts daily | Ends Sun, 12 Jan

  • Monday

    6 Jan


    Photo: Christian Ruvolo, Felix Broede
    70th Chamber Music Week

    Opening concert
    Sabine Meyer clarinet
    Armida Quartett string quartet

    Brahms: Clarinet quintet
    et al.

  • Tuesday

    7 Jan


    Photo: James Bort, Christian Ruvolo, Alessandro Moggi
    70th Chamber Music Week

    Fatma Said soprano
    Sabine Meyer clarinet
    Malcolm Martineau piano

    Schubert: „Hirt auf dem Felsen“ for voice, clarinet and piano D.965
    et al.

  • Tuesday

    7 Jan


    Photo: Hendrik Steffens, PR, Dag Jensen
    70th Chamber Music Week

    Sabine Meyer clarinet
    Dag Jensen bassoon
    Christoph Eß French horn
    Armida Quartett string quartet
    et al.

    Schubert: Octett F major D.803

  • Wednesday

    8 Jan


    Photo: Irène Zandel
    70th Chamber Music Week

    Sabine Meyer in conversation

    Sabine Meyer & Reiner Wehle in conversation about their career with Sarah Kesting

  • Wednesday

    8 Jan


    Photo: Marco Borggreve, PR, PR
    70th Chamber Music Week

    Sabine Meyer clarinet
    Antje Weithaas violin
    Veronika Hagen viola
    Mischa Meyer violoncello
    Michail Lifits piano

    Beethoven: “Gassenhauer Trio“
    Brahms: Piano quartet

  • Thursday

    9 Jan


    Photo: PR, PR, Felix Broede
    70th Chamber Music Week

    Antje Weithaas & Byol Kang violin
    Veronika Hagen viola
    Mischa Meyer violoncello
    Michail Lifits piano

    Schubert: Trio movement D.897 „Notturno“ & Impromptus
    Schumann: Piano quintet

  • Thursday

    9 Jan


    Photo: PR,scholzshootspeople, PR
    70th Chamber Music Week

    Sabine Meyer clarinet
    Reiner Wehle bassett horn
    Antje Weithaas & Byol Kang violin
    Veronika Hagen viola
    Mischa Meyer violoncello

    Mozart: Quintet movement F major for clarinet, bassett horn and string trio
    Mozart: Clarinet quintet
    et al.

  • Friday

    10 Jan


    Photo: Irene Zandel
    70th Chamber Music Week

    Sabine Meyer clarinette
    Nils Mönkemeyer viola
    William Youn piano

    Mozart: “Kegelstatt Trio“
    Bartók: Romanian folk dances
    Bruch: From Eight pieces for clarinet, viola and piano Op 83: No 2, 6, 7
    et al.

  • Friday

    10 Jan


    Photo: Wildundleise
    70th Chamber Music Week

    Les Vents Français

    Emmanuel Pahud, flute
    Francois Leleux, oboe
    Paul Meyer, clarinet
    Gilbert Audin, bassoon
    Radovan Vlatkovic, French horn
    Eric Le Sage, piano

    Beethoven: Quintet E flat major for piano, oboe, clarinet, French horn and bassoon Op 16
    Verdi: Quintet E minor
    et al.

    The cast list of the ensemble Les Vents Français reads like a “who's who“ of the international wind music scene. With Emmanuel Pahud, Francois Leleux, Paul Meyer, François Leleux, Gilbert Audin and Radovan Vlatkovic, five absolute luminaries of their respective instruments have come together with pianist Eric Le Sage to form a top-class ensemble of soloists.

  • Saturday

    11 Jan


    Photo: Steven Haberland, unbekannt
    70th Chamber Music Week

    Sabine Meyer & Reiner Wehle
    in conversation

    Sabine Meyer & Reiner Wehle in conversation about the clarinet

    With music examples

  • Saturday

    11 Jan


    Photo: Ira Weinrauch
    70th Chamber Music Week

    Closing concert
    Sabine Meyer clarinet
    Alliage Quintett
    “Invitation to dance“

    Daniel Gauthier, soprano saxophon
    Miguel Valles, alto saxophon
    Simon Hanrath, tenor saxophon
    Sebastian Pottmeier, bariton saxophon
    Jang Eun Bae, pianor

    works by Weber, Tchaikovsky, Gershwin, Saint-Saëns et al.

  • Saturday

    25 Jan


    Photo: Marco Borggreve

    Kian Soltani violoncello
    & Friends

  • 31 - 3

    Jan - Feb 25

    Photo: Esther Haase_Deutsche Grammophon
    A Weekend with Alice Sara Ott

    A Weekend with Alice Sara Ott

    Alice Sara Ott is one of the most sought-after pianists around and continues to delight her audiences with smart programmes. During the concert, the pianist from Munich with Japanese roots explains the relationships between the works from the piano, creating an in-depth connection between herself and the audience. On the two concert evenings in Elmau, she will relate Beethoven sonatas, in particular his famous “Moonlight Sonata”, to the Nocturnes by the early Romantic composer John Field, who is regarded as the inventor of this genre of Romantic-lyrical character pieces for piano.


    arrival Fri, 31 January
    incl. concert tickets, breakfast, spa, yoga and more
    Book your room here!

  • Saturday

    1 Feb


    Photo: Jonas Becker
    A Weekend with Alice Sara Ott

    Alice Sara Ott Piano

    Beethoven: Sonatas No 19 G minor Op 49 No 1 & No 30 E major Op 109
    John Field: Selection from “Nocturnes”

  • Sunday

    2 Feb


    Photo: Pascal Albandopulos
    A Weekend with Alice Sara Ott

    Alice Sara Ott piano

    Beethoven: “Moonlight Sonata”
    John Field: Selection from “Nocturnes”

  • 2 - 6

    Feb 25

    Photo: Thomas Straub
    Dance Retreat

    Dance Retreat

    Dancing makes you happy and keeps you young! Dancing has a long tradition at Schloss Elmau. At this dance retreat, you can learn new dance steps and improve your existing skills over three days in 90-minute group courses under the guidance of expert dance instructors.
    Coaches: tba

    Arrival: Sun, 2 February | Departure: Thu, 6 February
    Daily dance classes (Monday – Wednesday)
    Dance night with live band (Wednesday)

    Hotel guests are also welcome to register for individual course days of the dance retreat

    “Would you care to dance?” (article from The Daily Telegraph)


    Arrival Sun, 2 February)
    Book package here!

    What to expect
    Daily dance classes (Mon – Wed: 16.00 – 17.30). Each course is dedicated to one dance
    Dance night (from 21.30): Wednesday with live band (no registration required)

    Further information:
    The course level will be adapted to its participants, beginners welcome
    Please indicate for the course planning whether you are coming as a couple or traveling alone. Single travellers will be assigned (possibly same-sex) dance partners in advance. If the number of participants is uneven, we will contact you in good time.
    Private dance lessons can be booked through the cultural office.
    A hotel booking is required to take part in the dance courses.

  • Friday

    7 Feb


    Photo: Marco Borggreve, David Ruano
    YCAT zu Gast in Schloss Elmau

    Ian Bostridge tenor
    James Baillieu piano

  • Saturday

    8 Feb


    Photo: YCAT
    YCAT at Schloss Elmau

    Concert & Talk

    Coleridge-Taylor: Nonett

    Afterwards: Talk about YCAT – the work, the mission, the alumni

    Hana Chang & Sini Simonen, violin
    Timothy Ridout, viola
    Maciej Kulakowski, cello
    Dominic Seldis, double bass
    Armand Djikoloum, oboe
    Jonathan Leibovitz, clarinet
    Amy Harman, bassoon
    Ben Goldscheider, french horn

  • Saturday

    8 Feb


    Photo: YCAT
    YCAT at Schloss Elmau


    James B. Wilson: New Piece (World premiere)
    Schubert: Octet F major D.803

    Hana Chang & Sini Simonen, violin
    Timothy Ridout, viola
    Maciej Kulakowski, cello
    Dominic Seldis, double bass
    Jonathan Leibovitz, clarinet
    Ben Goldscheider, french horn
    Amy Harman, bassoon

  • Saturday

    15 Feb


    Photo: Daniel Breidt


  • Wednesday

    19 Feb


    Photo: Mathis Beutel

    Jo Lendle & Mely Kiyak streiten und lieben
    Die Schriftstellerin und der Hanser-Verleger im Gespräch

    Discussion in German

    Die Geschichte der Literatur ist auch eine Geschichte über Autoren und ihre vertrauensvolle Beziehung zu ihren Verlegern. Thomas Mann und Samuel Fischer führten elegante, gelehrte Gespräche. Heinrich Bölls Beziehung zu seinem Verleger Joseph Caspar Witsch war die reinste intellektuelle Befruchtung. Wenn sich der Verleger des Hanser Verlags Jo Lendle mit seiner Autorin Mely Kiyak austauscht, führt das zu nichts als Gefecht, Gezeter, Geschrei. Und trotzdem: Mit kaum einer anderen Schriftstellerin („Melinka, du quatscht mich noch in einen Schlaganfall. Schreib endlich einen Bestseller!“) unterhält sich Jo Lendle so gerne über Literatur und das Leben wie mit Mely Kiyak („Lendele, du Analphabet!“). Zwei zärtliche Schreihälse lesen aus den schönsten Stellen der Literatur, streiten und unterhalten sich darüber, warum Literatur hell ist und tröstet.

  • 21 - 23

    Feb 25

    Photo: Sebastian Hänel

    Cuban Weekend
    with Sarah Willis & Sarahbanda

    French horn and salsa band, this combination had never been seen before – until Sarah Willis, horn player with the Berlin Philharmonic, combined them in her highly successful project “Mozart y Mambo” project. Her “Sarahbanda” brings together some of the most talented musicians from Cuba in a somewhat different Cuban salsa band – with a French horn at the centre. The arrangements of the well-known Cuban music are full of infectious rhythms, lightness and energy that make the listener listen with pleasure and even encourage them to dance.



    arrival Thu, 20 February
    incl. concert tickets, dance classes, breakfast, spa, yoga and more
    Book your room here!

    >arrival Thu, 20 February
    incl. concert tickets, dance classes, breakfast, spa, yoga and more
    Book your room here!

  • Friday

    21 Feb


    Photo: Monika Rittershaus

    Sarah Willis french horn
    & Sarahbanda

    Sarah Willis, french horn
    Yuniet Lombida, saxophon
    Jorge Aragón, piano
    Aylín Pino, violin
    Carlos Garcia, double bass
    Alejandro Aguiar & Adel González, percussion

  • Saturday

    22 Feb


    Photo: Monika Rittershaus

    Sarah Willis french horn
    & Sarahbanda

    Sarah Willis, french horn
    Yuniet Lombida, saxophon
    Jorge Aragón, piano
    Aylín Pino, violin
    Carlos Garcia, double bass
    Alejandro Aguiar & Adel González, percussion

  • Wednesday

    26 Feb


    Photo: Louie Thain, Simon Pauly, Felix Broede

    Veronika Eberle violin
    Julia Hagen cello
    Herbert Schuch piano

    Schubert: Piano trio No 1 B flat major
    Brahms: Piano trio B major Op 8

  • Thursday

    27 Feb


    Photo: Jiyang Chen, John Kentish
    Lied/Aria Recital/Classical

    Thomas Hampson baritone
    Ksenija Sidorova accordion

    Schubert: Winterreise
    Lieder by Kurt Weill and works for Accordion solo by Piazzolla

  • Saturday

    1 Mar


    Photo: David Königsmann

    Samy Deluxe vocals
    & “MIKIs Takeover!”-Ensemble

    Due to high demand, hotel guests can only be guaranteed a concert visit with prior reservation.

  • Tuesday

    4 Mar


    Photo: Marco Grob

    Jan Vogler cello

    Bach: Cello Suites

  • 9 - 14

    Mar 25

    Photo: Thomas Straub
    Dance Retreat

    Dance Retreat

    Dancing makes you happy and keeps you young! Dancing has a long tradition at Schloss Elmau. At thia dance retreat, you can learn new dance steps and improve your existing skills over four days in 90-minute group courses under the guidance of expert dance instructors.
    Coaches: tba

    Arrival: Sun, 9 March | Departure: Fri, 14 March
    Daily dance classes (Monday – Thursday)
    Dance night with live band (Thursday)

    Hotel guests are also welcome to register for individual course days of the dance retreat

    “Would you care to dance?” (article from The Daily Telegraph)


    Arrival Sun, 9 March)
    Book package here!

    What to expect
    Daily dance classes (Mon – Thu: 16.00 – 17.30). Each course is dedicated to one dance
    Dance night (from 21.30): Thursday with live band (no registration required)

    Further information:
    The course level will be adapted to its participants, beginners welcome
    Please indicate for the course planning whether you are coming as a couple or traveling alone. Single travellers will be assigned (possibly same-sex) dance partners in advance. If the number of participants is uneven, we will contact you in good time.
    Private dance lessons can be booked through the cultural office.
    A hotel booking is required to take part in the dance courses.

  • Friday

    21 Mar


    Photo: iStock, Julien Mignot
    Dance Evening

    Waltz Evening
    Julien Quentin, piano
    Why you must attend this event:
    Waltz dancing on the legendary Elmau dance floor – accompanied by renowned pianist Julien Quentin

    Waltzes by Chopin, Tschaikowsky, Strauss, Lehár, Offenbach et al.


    Anreise Fr, 21. März
    Book your room here!

    Waltz dancing in the concert hall of Schloss Elmau is back
    For decades, the pianist Otto Ludwig characterised dancing to piano music in Elmau. Now we are reviving this famous Elmau tradition – the renowned pianist Julien Quentin will be playing waltzes from Chopin to Tchaikovsky in the Great Hall. All levels of dancers are welcome, it's all about the joy of waltzing. In addition to the dance floor, there are also seating areas where you can take a break and simply enjoy the music and atmosphere.
    Duration: 20:00 – 21:30 incl. intermission

  • Saturday

    29 Mar


    Photo: Harald Hoffmann, Marco Giannavola
    Classical/Modern Classical

    Avi Avital mandoline
    Brooklyn Rider string qaurtet
    Why you must attend this concert:
    Star mandolinist Avi Avital and Brooklyn Rider as guests in Elmau, the string quartet that has “recreated the string quartet genre as a vibrant 21st century ensemble” National Public Radio)

    Grammy-nominated mandolinist Avi Avital is known for his “explosively charismatic” performances (New York Times). He is the driving force behind the revival of the mandolin: He has been playing in the world's most prestigious concert halls for more than two decades. Now he joins the American string quartet Brooklyn Rider, known for eclectic repertoire and stirring performances – acclaimed by critics and audiences from all genres. National Public Radio (NPR) credits Brooklyn Rider with “recreating the 300-year-old genre of the string quartet as a vibrant, creative ensemble for the 21st century”.

  • Friday

    4 Apr


    Photo: Fowler_Warner, Pauly, PR, Millot
    A weekend with Renaud Capuçon

    Renaud Capuçon violin
    Paul Zientara viola
    Julia Hagen cello
    Guillaume Bellom piano

    Mahler: Piano quartet A minor
    Strauss: Piano quartet C minor Op 13

  • Saturday

    5 Apr


    Photo: Universal Music, Manolo Mylonas
    A weekend with Renaud Capuçon

    Renaud Capuçon Violine
    Guillaume Bellom Klavier

    Mozart: Violin sonata E flat major K.481
    Strauss: Violin sonata E flat major Op 18

  • Tuesday

    8 Apr


    Photo: Andrej Grilc

    Maria Ioudenitch violin
    Stanislav Ioudenitch piano

    Beethoven: Violin sonata No 10 G major Op 96
    Lili Boulanger: 2 pieces
    Bartok: Violin sonata No 1

  • 12 - 18

    Apr 25

    Photo: Egbert Krupp_Schloss Elmau
    Nils Landgren Festival

    Nils Landgren Festival

    He is one of the most successful European jazz musicians ever and one of the world's best trombonists. Now Nils Landgren is organising his own festival at Schloss Elmau for the second time. To this end, “Mr Redhorn”, as he is known because of his red instrument, has invited friends and musical partners to join him for five concerts ranging from melancholy, tender ballads to distinctive, grooving sounds.

    Opening concert Saturday, 12 April, further concerts Sun, Mon, Wed & Thu (no concert on Tuesday)


    when booking 6 nights and more, arrival Sat, 12 April 2025
    incl. concert tickets, breakfast, spa, yoga and more
    Book your room here!

  • 21 - 27

    Apr 25

    Photo: Nicolas Zonvi
    4. Daniel Hope-Woche

    4. Daniel Hope-Woche

    After Easter, star violinist Daniel Hope will be performing his fourth Music Week at Schloss Elmau. The internationally acclaimed musician, presenter and programme maker has invited numerous friends to Schloss Elmau. The programme includes chamber music concerts and jazz in the bar.
    with Daniel Hope & Friends

    Opening concert Mon, 21. April, further concerts Tue, Thu, Fri & Sat (no concert on Wed), Fri additionally Late Night Jazz in the Al Camino Bar


    when booking 6 nights and more, arrival Mon, 21. April 2025
    incl. concert tickets, breakfast, spa, yoga and more
    Book your room here!

  • Monday

    21 Apr


    Photo: Tibor Bozi, PR
    4. Daniel Hope-Woche

    Eröffnungskonzert der Daniel Hope-Woche
    Daniel Hope Violine
    Jacques Ammon Klavier

  • Tuesday

    22 Apr


    Photo: Inge Prader, Camila Berrio, Pollert
    4. Daniel Hope-Woche

    Daniel Hope Violine
    & Friends

    Daniel Hope, Violine
    Joscho Stephan, Gitarre
    Omar Massa, Bandoneon
    Stéphane Logerot, Kontrabass
    Jacques Ammon, Klavier

  • Thursday

    24 Apr


    Photo: Michael Petersohn, Tibor Bozi
    4. Daniel Hope-Woche

    Daniel Hope Violine
    & Friends

    Horst Maria Merz, Gesang & Klavier
    Daniel Hope, Tanja Sonc & Sylvia Savova, Violine
    Jacques Ammon, Klavier
    Ewa Groblewska, Viola
    Anna Tyka Nyffenegger, Violoncello
    Stéphane Logerot, Kontrabass

  • Friday

    25 Apr


    Photo: Bailey Davidson
    4. Daniel Hope-Woche

    Daniel Hope Violine
    & Friends

    Daniel Hope, Tanja Sonc & Sylvia Savova, Violine
    Ryszard Groblewski, Viola
    Benjamin Nyffenegger, Violoncello
    Stéphane Logerot, Kontrabass
    Oliver Schnyder, Klavier

    Dvorák: Streichquintett et al.

  • Friday

    25 Apr


    Photo: Daniel Waldhecker
    4. Daniel Hope-Woche

    Late Night Jazz mit Daniel Hope & Friends
    Warum Sie diese Veranstaltung besuchen sollten:
    Ein swingender Jazz- und Chanson-Abend in intimer Bar-Atmosphäre

    Daniel Hope, Violine
    Stéphane Logerot, Kontrabass
    Jacques Ammon, Klavier
    Joscho Stephan, Gitarre

    Jazz & Chanson

    Einlass: 21.00 | First come, first serve (keine Anmeldung erforderlich)

    Kein Ticketkontingent für Bewohner der Region

  • Saturday

    26 Apr


    Photo: Harald Hoffmann
    4. Daniel Hope-Woche

    Abschlusskonzert Daniel Hope Violine
    & Friends

    Daniel Hope, Tanja Sonc & Sylvia Savova, Violine
    Ewa Groblewska & Ryszard Groblewski, Viola
    Anna Tyka Nyffenegger & Benjamin Nyffenegger, Violoncello
    Oliver Schnyder, Klavier
    et al.

    Brahms: Streichsextett
    Schumann: Klavierquintett